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Keanne•bits: artist/illustrator & proud mother of 3 • living in a town called Somero • Dutch, grew up in Belgium, moved to Finland in 1999

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Creative boosts

I m looking outside, it s raining, Launau on the background, dog hanging on the sofa…
I shiver, it s almost summer almost…(woollen socks still allowed)
This spring has been so filled with work and daily live, and plans changed all the time: Still, when I look back, quite some nice things happened. 
While illustrating the next book, my head looks for change, something new, and the idea to try new techniques and concepts, is  growing in my head.

I m suddenly thinking about what creativity means to me.
Creativity is a constant process, which I think, on some level, we all experience every day. How to solve a problem, how to make food, how the make daily  life work. We create things, but also situations, possibility s, and problems to be solved. It s living in us and it keeps us moving. 

For me, on a work level, I often start at some point intuitively with something. I don t want to know why at that point, because I want to "see what happens". That s definitely one of the reasons we ended up her in the middle of the forrest in Finland 
Next it s the seeing, of possibility s to make the connections with surroundings, to make it work, have a function, by which some kind of outcome or result get s born, whether it s a card, book, exposition or an work-tool for other things. These result are kind of like bricks to build witch, and I keep on collecting/creating new bricks, each time over and over from the beginning. At the same time my own space is created bit by bit, and my own story, dispite what others think or society thinks I should do to "succeed".
So for me, creativity is first of all breathing and evolving on a personal level, second of all a way of functioning in my surroundings… and most of all, i can t stop it, and I don t want to.

Sharing this interesting link about sweet Quentin Blake:

Particulary loving the frase " ..It is not that I think that illustrations should be like that, but this is what I can do..."

Welcome by the way to my exhibtion in Meri-Teijo, wich runs all summer!
Some more info and pictures you find here:

For now enough serious talk, tomorrow it will be midsummer-night, 
wishing you all a creative party spirit!
