Nature is very powerful, it suddenly brings down your energy level and makes you aware of your body, and it s limits. It s adjusting -time and also time to take care and keep warm, gettings out candles and woolen socks (actualy, used these also in summer:) and have to admit, choclate is my best friend!
When I m sitting in my workspace, in the middle of the forrest, it almost seems unreal, all the things happening in the world. I open the computer, the radio and things start to pulp out, a regular line of negativity news. It s like a big flood, we are trying desperately to stop, which at the same time seems impossible.
But what we can do is to wake each day again and look at the day as "ours to experience" and "give form", to sharpen our senses, to watch and listen. We can t control nature, we never could. We can t stop every ones hate , pain and disappointments at ones . But each day we can start again and try, that s the gift in live we all got from the start and for as long as we are here.
An other gift we got was the ability to work together, to communicate.
This week there was an interview on tv: an older lady (politician) told she was at a conference, gathering 12 to 30 years old sharing idea s in technology and science. 2 fourteen year old sat besides each-other, one explaining the other the thing he discovered. The older lady sat down and told the one boy, "don t tell him your discovery, he is your competition".
The boy looked at her and said " boy your old fashion, we share nowadays".
These ways of thinking give hope and bring a smile on my face !
Autumngreetings from the forrest!