About Me

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Keanne•bits: artist/illustrator & proud mother of 3 • living in a town called Somero • Dutch, grew up in Belgium, moved to Finland in 1999

Saturday, July 2, 2011

inside-out and upside down

Welcome to the exhibition " Sisältä ulkoa ja nurinpäin" , this month in Somero Library.
The exhibition shows a joyfull collaberation between me, Andrea Vannuchi (photographer) and the children of Oinasjärvi daycare and is a mixture of Andrea s pictures, my drawings, a bookobject and the works of the children. The project is runned trough Kuukulkurit ry.
The project is part of the 2 year lasting project Grundtvig (2010-2012)...

Friday, July 1, 2011

sketchbook 2011

It s holiday, but some short messages coming anyway as images never sleep...
From now on you can see the complete digital version of my sketchbook, made in about a weeks time in january, a quick capture of thoughts, feelings, some drawings, idea s...The book will be traveling still to several places this year and end up in Brooklyn artlibrary to stay for good between about 10 000 others...
Welcome to have a peek inside my diary-sketchbook:
