About Me

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Keanne•bits: artist/illustrator & proud mother of 3 • living in a town called Somero • Dutch, grew up in Belgium, moved to Finland in 1999

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Sweet" at kaartje2go

continued designing some cards for kaartje2go. The idea to develop some cards for certain occasions, with a sensitive, fresh and at the same time "Sweet"character.
People say that postcards are being used less and less . But I do think there s an other way of thinking: the feeling that people want to recieve/give something material, starts to rise again, the feeling of personal contact: what can be more personal than a card, with your message on it...


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Last week I spended the whole week, from morning untill the afternoon, in "Sinilintu" daycare. I visited there as an artist through "Polku" project, organised by Salo city. This project started last year and the main idea is to bring art to scools, daycares...and exchange idea s with the teachers as well. Artist from different disciplines are visiting for a day, a few days or a week, an share their views, ways of working.
My week was very interesting, as I worked with about 70 kids, aged 1-6. We mostly have been painting, examening color, material, idea s, and also ourselves through story and nature elements. Also is the traveling exhibition is included, being works from Salo artists. It amazing how kids see things, create their own comments and bring up things we don t even see anymore/think about.
The most important comment I got was that how calm the kids where, and how they , by slowing down their rythm and creating a calm environment, came to express more/stronger then usual.
After this week, I feel I brought something to the teachers, the children, but mostly I feel like I learned a lot agian myself !

Now back to the drawingtable...

Warm autum greetings to u all!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


A little bit easier to buy my cards, at least for the people in Holland and Belgium. Kaartje2go is now also distributing my cards, feel free to go and have a look. Leave me your idea s or wishes...


Have nice autum day to all, it s nice and sunny here, colorfull leaves, a little bit of frost in the nights, just the way I like it!