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Keanne•bits: artist/illustrator & proud mother of 3 • living in a town called Somero • Dutch, grew up in Belgium, moved to Finland in 1999

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Many haerts

In the beginning of this week, while waiting for answers, I started to draw a new heart-picture, but for some reason I "had" to draw many hearts in this picture this time, going over the boarders of the paper. Today, after being hit by the news of the bus-crash involved the death of 22 children and 6 adults, children still in critical conditions, it feels like the picture found it s place. But really, I wished it didn´t.
I wished it had only needed one heart, for very different reasons as this one.
This is a never ending pain started for many people, connecting again to the many painful things happening every days, connecting again to the fact that every minute someone goes through something like this.
There s a silent feeling now. Strength to all from all my heart!

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